I’m so excited! And I just can’t hide it! – The Pointer Sisters
Yo, (lol I let the NY come out for a second) I am BEYOND over being pregnant. It isn’t fun -though, I will say I love feeling the baby move, I’m tired as all get out, and I feel like an over inflated balloon. Luckily, there are only 7 or 8 short weeks left until freedom!!
I totally want to thank everyone for being so kind and patient with me. All of your words of encouragement are so helpful when I feel like I look like a… preggo. Lol I so don’t mean that in a derogatory way. I just can’t think of another way to describe swollen, hot (literally) mess lol. Another thing that has been distracting me is preparing for my baby shower. As some of you may have see on Instagram, my theme is Breakfast At Tiffany’s. What better way to countdown than this majorly awesome moto jacket in the best color ever?
When I saw this beauty in Bebe, I knew it had to be mine. Although, I must say, I can’t wait to rock it once I’m not pregnant, I still made it work with my little brownie. I’ve been wearing more body con clothes too, since my bump is so easily hidden. I want to make sure I have photographic evidence for later lol.
xx Slim
Congratulations! Loving the shoes & bag! The minty/blue color seems to really be in, which is great because blue is my favorite color!
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