NYLONShop Gotham Horned Snapback | Banana Republic Sunnies (Stolen from husband) | Solemio Sweet Stuff Slip Dress | Nasty Gal Quilted Moto Jacket | Doc Marten’s Boots
Photos by Trevor
When I walk through these halls man this beat should be playin’… -Drake
We made it! After what seems like my entire life, we are finally settled in in Texas. El Paso to be exact! I didn’t really have an idea of what to expect, but moving in general vs an ARMY move? Ugh. It’s a different level of stress. After living in a hotel on base for 10 days, he finally got his leave so we could get our things released and get in our place (yay!).
So. Now that I’ve actually gone from living out of a suitcase to living in our unpacked place, I have closet access (insert extreme joy in to this sentence). And, since he isn’t at work all day, we actually got the chance to explore our new hometown.
It’s been warm, but cool at night, so I wanted to wear easy layers. I started off with this super dope GOTHAM hat (you guys know I love Batman. And miss NYC) I got from the NYLONshop. After adding a red lip, I went with a slip dress and knee socks and leather just in case it got cool. LOVE this look. And so far, El Paso is pretty cool.
xx Slim
My ex was in El Paso before his 2nd deployment and I must say the city had some of the best food ever! Of course everything was super heavy and comfort style, but it was beyond authentic and so tasty. Now that I'm living in Seattle I'd probably never go back to eating as heavy as I did when we were in South Carolina near the base, but you're still eating for 2 for a little bit. Go indulge lol. Glad to hear your man is back home 🙂
lol gurl I LOVE Tex-MEx and everything Mexican in general so other than being in LA, this is heaven. Thank you!! xx
Wow big change from NY To el paso,lol. Hope u & Ur Fam r doing swell Luv. LUv da look ( like always. Have u found out if it's a girl or boy yet?
Yes, he's a boy:) Thank you so much!! xx
Your legs are everything slim!
I am in love with this dress! It is gorgeous and simple so it can be easily dressed up or down. And of course, you styled it fabulously. Congrats on your big move!
Soo gorgeous, that dress looks amazing on you <3
The Quirky Queer
Gorgeous!!! and goodluck with Texas
OK most of the children won’t touch but some will eat carrot or cucumber sticks and handfuls of blueberries & you’ll win points for trying 😉 But your sanity may not be up to the chopping!
visit:Fashion Jewellery
This look is so amazing! Definitely my favorite!
I'm interior designer, photomodel, dancer, performer. Check out my new fashion blog http://letucc.blogspot.de/ Great and big things are coming!