You may have noticed that I’ve been a bit M.I.A. lately. It totally wasn’t on purpose. I promise lol. Read on for more of what the Greene Family has been up to.
Boxes by me via Slim Crafts
Though I have been much too tired and sick to get in front of the camera, my little guy has more than enough energy to do it for me. Toddlers have no sense of patience and no desire to stay still. I swear he spent more time destroying his set than it took to get a decent photo lol. As with all of his shoots (I did one every month of his first year as seen on my instagram) I took this myself in my home.
If you’re into the whole DIY photo thing, I highly suggest buying a paper or muslin backdrop. They are quite cheap on amazon. And! A lighting kit. I used two soft boxes and an additional light with an umbrella for this shoot. If you guys would like some advise on how to create cute baby shoot at home, let me know and I’ll make a series on it.
It was really fun getting back into things though as I’ve basically just been trying to not be sick the last 6 months lol. Pregnancy sure is harder with a toddler. Don’t worry though. I’m feeling a bit better, so it’ll be back to our regularly scheduled program soon. Before I go, any guesses on the gender???
xx Slim
a girl .. and her name is Marley.
Congrats babe!
Congrats! I HOPE ITS A GIRL!!!!
x Tanaka
My guess is a girl! I figured if it was a boy you'd announce it, but adding in the pink would be too hard to pass up. Congrats.
A girl!!! It's fate lol it HAS to be a girl
A girl!!! It's fate lol it HAS to be a girl
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