As promised, I’m here with another way you can look fly in your man’s shirt. No man? No problem. You can still rock a men’s shirt. They have the best fit and are sexy as can be. Read on for more.
Skirt: Akira. Similar here and here
Shirt: Old Navy
Bag: Fendi. On sale here
Heels: Christian Louboutin
Last time, I wore this shirt off the shoulder with some shorts. This time, I’m all buttoned up but still quite sexy with a skirt and statement earrings. I paired this shirt with a cute, high waisted bandage skirt and pumps for a cool/sexy look. The boxiness of the shirt paired with the skin tight skirt is a dope way to tone down a mini skirt and make it appropriate for day and night. To finish it off, I added a micro cross body for a hands free slay. How are you feeling this unique combo? Sound off in the comments!
xx Slim
Awesome styling
You look lovely
love the skirt its amazing xo!