Hi guys! Since it rained all day on my birthday (4/24 woot woot)and I still wanted to chronicle my outfits, I ended up taking some snaps inside of my house. I usually don’t shoot inside, but since I get so many questions when I post in here on social, I figured I’d give you guys a little peek. Read on for more on my looks and more on how things are coming along so far at my new house.
I really love how this room turned out. I still have to do some touch ups on the paint, but for the most part, it’s done. I can’t wait to see how it will look once my palms grow. Also, get in to that fan. I love crystals, so I decided to find a ceiling fan that was “pretty”. This one has acrylic blades that come out when you use the remote to go in to fan mode. We are all about LED lights, and I love how this has 3 LED settings: daylight, warm, and a mixture for a more full spectrum light.
And that’s it for this little preview of what I’ve done in here so far. Stay tuned for the other rooms and all of the updates I’m doing as well as some DIY tips. I’ll be posting room by room once they’re finished up complete with better photos and full shopping deets.
xx Slim
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