I’m a bad kid and I will survive. Oh I’m a bad kid. Don’t know wrong from right – Gaga
I’m not that typical baby. I’m a bad kid like my mom and dad made me… And today I was feeling especially bad. Unfortunately, this poses a problem with the boo. *sigh* With half of my clothes still in L.A., and nothing but winter clothes in my storage unit that I’ve yet to visit, I have a bad case of I’m-tired-of-everything-in-my-suitcase syndrome.
This might not be so bad for others, but I’ve reverted to wearing my faves (this plaid shirt and these Doc’s EVERYONE is tired of but me) until my online shopping booty arrives. *Note: said boo makes up about 98% of everyone* I def look like an extra from a Courtney Love video, but that’s ok. Any excuse to wear garters + this next-level UNIF skirt I got myself for Christmas is so worth it.
Obviously, Mr. Boo Thang hates this outfit. But… I’m so bad and I don’t give a damn. I love it when he’s mad :). I can only hope that this will help him appreciate refined me more because I can’t look polished daily on a limited wardrobe. I am seriously surprised he hasn’t burned my jacket yet lol. I’m a twit. Degenerate young rebel and I’m proud of it.
I am so thrilled that I google-imaged (is that even a term) this skirt!! I swear I've found the most inspiring, original, cheeky bloggers that way, and you are no exception. What a vision!
Yes that's totally a term lol. I'm thrilled you did as well. Thanks! xx