Vintage mink coat, H&M dress cut in to top, Forever21 skirt, TopShop tights, Forever21 belt, random gold bangles, Pyramid bracelet from Melrose, Forever21 rings, Club Monaco stone bracelet, Forever21 cuff, vintage watch, Forever21 necklace, Dolce Vita boots
(Photos by Trevor)
One gold watch. Two gold chains. Six gold rings: it’s nothin’! -Trinidad James
Gold all in my watch. Gold all in my ring… I swear I could kill the person who got this ridiculous (read: hilarious) song stuck in my head. No lie: I developed an entire row of abs laughing at the video. Why is there a shopping cart? Where is his shirt? Did he actually groom before they shot this? There are so many questions, but I digress.
As you all know, gold is my other fave color, and I love to look luxe when I’m broke. This outfit is a perfect culmination of the two. I went on a mini spree at Forever21 right before I left for NYC about a week ago. Feeling broke, I was only drawn to gold. How cute is this $13 skirt? Brocade screams luxe and the chain belt reminds me of Chanel.
I had an old dress that I can’t fit anymore, so I cut it into a top. Me being me, I just had to throw on piles of bangles, a huge necklace and Blacky (a mink my dad bought my mom back in the day that is now mine). It’s freezing in NY, so I finished it off with TopShop tights and booties. With that, I was ready to show out in the streets of NY. I LOVE this fit. It’s a def head turner. Don’t believe me? Just watch.
xx Slim
Love the DIY job, great look! Stay warm!
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u are looking amazing , great outfit!
I love your style, you are bold and YES hunnaaay BEAUTIFUL!
I'm following you on twitter and bloglovin.
Follow back aight?
lol thanks gurl! xx
Awesome! Love everything about this outfit!! 🙂