Wish that I could be like the cool kids… – Echosmith
Lately, I’ve been beyond tired. I’d venture to guess that it has something to do with a certain little booger who is going through a sleep regression and eating every other hour again at night. This has led to me pretty much not even wanting to get dressed to check the mail lol.
Fortunately, I was able to whip out my newest boots because we just so happened to be cool for a few days this week. What better excuse to get dressed than an opportunity to finally wear the amazingness that had been collecting dust in your closet? I couldn’t wait for these boots to arrive a few weeks ago, only to have a heatwave.
Since it was actually cool, and windy, I also got to whip out this cute coat from Forever21. I don’t miss cold weather. At all. But I have to admit I felt like a loser because I was still sunbathing while other could wear their Fall boots. Finally, I get to be a cool kid.
xx Slim
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Big hug!
You're channeling Beyoncé in these pics <3
I don't know how I happen by your site but I am really impressed by you and your flow.