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Hi everyone! How are you guys? The past two weeks have been HEAVY for obvious reasons, so I want you all to know I’m sending you virtual hugs if you too have had a hard time processing what happened to George Floyd and so many others before him. After spending some time reading, learning, donating, protesting, signing petitions, and attending his local public viewing to pay my respects, I felt a little bit of comfort.
Sadly, this is a topic I’ve been sad/upset/angry about for so many years, I am cautious about declaring this time as the time real change happens. I’m not sure what’s performative and what’s real. I’m not sure if my children will inherit a mess- much like we inherited one and our parents did and their parents. That makes me sad.
I am also very sad that women like Breonna Taylor seem to be forgotten about so quickly. Does she not also deserve to have justice? I understand that I am a fashion blogger and this space usually serves as a place where I mostly talk fashion with the occasional mention of my family or the military. However, I am also a woman. A mother. A Black person. I am many things and I can not NOT say anything.
With all of this going on -Covid-19, quarantine, Black Lives Matter, senseless murders, me having the worst bronchitis for 2 months, etc, I am also preparing for my husband to deploy again. My youngest son had surgery the same week I took to the streets to protest. He is due for another soon. Sometimes, this all gets heavy and I need to decompress. I have been spending extra time with my family and dedicating more time to the things that bring me joy. Without guilt.
I want you all to make sure you are taking the time to do things that make you happy as well. It’s so easy to get lost in everything awful. Are you finding yourself unable to look away from the news on social media? Unplug. Watch a movie. Call a friend. Make sure you are carving out time to care for yourself. I know I’m trying to do the same. Here are a few ways that I’m giving my mind a break:
- Kissing my kids. Something about fluffy cheeks makes me feel better.
- FaceTiming my friends. They are hilarious.
- Watching comedies such as Insecure. I’m ashamed that it took me this long to watch it.
- Making sure I say something if I feel moved to and making sure I keep scrolling if something triggers me. I’ve got to protect my peace.
- Taking the time to wash my face and do my 500 step beauty routine- even if I am “too tired” or “drained”.
- Drinking ginger tea
If you have any ideas you’d like to add, or something else you’d like to share, please tell me in the comments.
xx Slim
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