Shirt: FKSP Similar Here and Here | Heels: Cult Gaia on sale Here | Earrings: Here | Shorts: Forever21 Similar Here and Here | Bag: Asos Similar Here and Here | Bracelet: Ellie Vail Similar Here| Necklace: Sahira Jewelry Similar Here | Letter Rings: Ruby And Luna
It’s been beyond muggy here so I can’t think of a better reason to wear shorts. It’s been a while since I’ve worn cut off shorts, but it is NECESSARY ok? I feel like I’m five seconds from breaking in to a sweat every time I walk out of my door. Whenever I’m wearing shorts, I like to have a more covered top. For this look, I paired this super cute off the shoulder top with my shorts, a fun clutch, and these gorgeous suede heels.
This shirt is super easy to dress up or down since the blue stripes go with everything and the shirt can be wrapped numerous ways to provide structure–or not. I wanted it to look super casual, so I left it loose. Of course I had to add some gold jewelry because nothing compliments Summer skin like gold! I found these letter rings and was very hyped to spell out S-H-A-Y on my hand lol.
This clutch is in faux leather and reminds me so much of a certain $3000 Bottega Veneta one everyone is clamoring for, so it was a no brainer when I saw it on Asos. I finished off the look with my vacation shorts and these Cult Gaia heels. I love the bamboo heel. It makes them so unique and the genuine suede is sooo soft and comfy. I definitely see myself rocking this shoe, bag and heel combo again with some breezy wide leg pants one the weather cools down.
How are you guys feeling this Summer look? We only have about a month left before the temperatures start to drop in some places. Are you looking forward to Fall? I’m not. Summer is my favorite.
xx Slim
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