Dress: Also Here and Here | Heels: Jessica Buurman Affordable Here Similar Here | Bag: Louis Vuitton Affordable Here and Here | Bangles: Sahira Jewelry | Earrings: Ellie Vail
Funny how this year seems to be going by so fast! Usually I feel like the days drag but I’m honestly looking back and wondering how it went from March to late august so quickly. I guess time flies when you’re bored at home. Anyway, I still can’t believe Summer will be over soon so I’m in denial. This hot weather doesn’t seem like it’s going to let up anytime soon, but I’m sure by the time October hits, I’ll be wearing a sweater.
Even though I’m a Summer girl all the way, I knew I needed this dress when I saw it. It’s such a rich shade of brown that looks so good against my skin. The material is stretchy but not thin. and it’s lined! I hate it when dresses aren’t lined so that is a major score. As soon as the heat relented a bit, I threw this dress on. Of course I had to add brown heels and a brown lip to finish the look. I’m in no rush for the temperature to change but I’m definitely in love with brown shades at the moment and love a good brown lip.
I anticipate wearing a lot of brown this Fall. I’m actually pondering going a little darker with my hair for Fall, but for now, I am enjoying the last weeks of Summer. What are you doing to prepare for Fall? Let me know in the comments below.
xx Slim
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